Make sure to CC us or put us in a group chat with them to get credit for it! There is an email and a text template below.
We close most of our leads because we are awesome and provide great value so this won't be the hard part. But make sure they don't forget about us.
Now the fun part! We'll send you a check to an address you prefer. We only pay out for customers who stay with us for at least 180 days.
Hi (Insert referral name),
Hope you're having a great day! I wanted to tell you about the guys at Gorilla Guard. I know you've had difficulty with your hood cleaners. Even if you think you are all set, you should check them out and get a free inspection -just to make sure. They'll make sure your restaurant is at a close to 0% risk of fire. They're also a one stop shop with hood system maintenance to extend its life and fire suppression and extinguisher service.
I think you'll really love talking to the owner. He is a restaurant owner as well. He is CC'd to the email so you can directly email him and schedule your free inspection.
(Insert your name)
Hey (Insert referral name),
Hope you're having a great day! I know you've had difficulty with your hood cleaners. You gotta check out Gorilla Guard. They'll make sure your restaurant is at a close to 0% risk of fire - just to make sure.
I think you'll really love talking to the owner. He is a restaurant owner as well. He is CC'd to the email so you can directly email him and schedule your free inspection.